AFTER-HOURS 250-933-0913
Prevost Veterinary Clinic 250-746-7178

X-ray and Ultrasound

Non-invasive diagnostic tools used to identify internal issues and provide targeted medical care.

X-ray and Ultrasound

Non-invasive diagnostic tools used to identify internal issues and provide targeted medical care.

We use digital X-rays on a daily basis to provide our doctors with the best quality images to help them evaluate your dog. Trained veterinary technicians ensure the highest quality of an image is taken while exposing your animal to minimal radiation.

How do you use X-ray and radiology services at your hospital?

X-rays are used to evaluate an animal for a number of different diseases and injuries. Whether it is evaluating their chest for signs of heart disease, looking in their abdomen for intestinal obstruction, or assessing their bones for signs of cancer, an x-ray is an invaluable tool within our practice. We also provide ultrasound services which can be used in emergency evaluations or in-depth analysis of internal organs and muscle tissue.

How much does a dog X-ray exam cost?

For pricing, please contact the clinic and we will be happy to provide you with a quote.

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